Ian Molee
software developer, roustabout
Ever since I was knee high to a hard drive the size of a washing machine, I've had a fascination with computers.
In the time since then I've learned some things and seen some things. Not as much as many others, and more than some others. From the prior group, I seek to learn and be inspired. To the latter group, I aspire to offer anything from my experience that can help.
Some things I believe or have learned:
Flow is the most important thing. It's elusive and should be protected at all costs. Notice and eliminate the things that threaten it. This isn't just about open offices: it's about clumsy or inefficient workflows, those insidious thieves of focus and motivation.
Software should be simple. It should be highly readable. Functions should be short. Tests should be easily writable. Names should be carefully considered. Dependencies should be injected.
The bug or problem you're fighting is caused by something stupidly simple. You're going to feel silly when you finally discover what it is, and feel like you should have figured it out much more quickly. But in so doing, you're ignoring the fact that there are lessons in what feel like wastes of time, and these lessons are what breed the wisdom of experience.
Everything has a cost. Choose one tool that handles 80% of what you need versus two tools that do exactly what you need. Complication is multiplicative, and not obvious when you're starting. You probably don't need Kubernetes. Either “sorry,” or “you're welcome,” depending on how you feel about that.
Go is cool. It resonates with the way I think and agrees with a lot of my overall software philosophy. It's kind of opinionated and definitely simple, which biases for readability and maintainability. That others hate it because it prevents them from being clever is evidence that I've chosen wisely.
Daily standups are mostly a waste of time. Few of the development teams practicing “scrum” or any methodology with a daily ritual remotely resemble the teams that inspired the creation of such rituals. Communication is important, but mindless daily rituals of questionable value to most participants ain't it.
I invite you to reach out to me on Twitter if you'd like to talk or you think I can help you out with something.